Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Katharina von Bora

The Chocolate Cake is out of the oven and frosted, we will celebrate Martin Luther's wife's birthday... I know what it is like to be married to the ministry... but gosh to be in her shoes, you go girl! My life is easy! LOL Really, this is just a reason to eat home made cake! teeheehee

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My 100th Post!!! And wonderful News...

Okay, so some of you may wonder where Danielle went... playing her sweet violin. I promised her I wouldn't leave her face on my blog for long... so thank you Amy for critiquing her so quickly, I will look forward to your email.

Danielle has been accepted to

Concordia University Chicago
Concordia University Wisconsin

Notice to all homeschooling families,

I am very proud of her hard work and am blessed that she is prayerfully considering her options for the 2009 year. I would love another year of her being at home with us, but am so totally excited for her opportunity to live in a city, be part of a community of Lutheran College Kids and grow as a beautiful young lady. Love you Girl!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Steak Fries... on the Cheap

I brainstormed an idea, and came up with this fun way to make steak fries.  Growing up I loved Shake-n-Bake.  I am waaayy to cheap to buy this product so I went here (you can see my laptop next to my mixture with recipe site) and made a homemade mix.)

  I cut up 2# of potatoes and placed into the bag. (When I make this the next time I will add more oil to enable it to "stick" better to the potatoes.)

  Shake shake shake. -n- Bake bake bake

Easy peasy.  Served up with gourmet burgers with jalapenos and Amish butter cheese.  Oh, and frosted brownies.  

We are stuffed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Trip planning... weird things?!

Okay, so am I strange at my packing strategy?  We are planning to go to our yearly trip to Fort Wayne, IN.  Where there is a pastor's conference.  (I love getting together with dear friends and hanging out in the hot tub and having girl chat.)  ANYway, these are some things on my list... indoor grill, crock pot, dish soap and eating utensils.  I guess you are understanding, in our little two bed room we try to get as many of our meals prepared as possible.  Does anyone else do this?  See, with three teens, even eating at a cheapo fast food place we spend $40... and Danielle and I don't drink soda!  Here is our meal plan in the hotel, and if you are in the next room, sorry it smells so good! 

Taquitos,  Caesar Salad
Grilled Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Barbeque Beef Brisket Sandwiches, Potato Salad
Grilled burgers with all the toppings, Chips
Supremo Nachos
Chicken Salsa Black Bean Soup
Corn Dogs (yuck, but kiddos get them every trip)

I really really try to get foods that we would like to eat out with anyway so that we aren't tempted to spend out.  I also plan out cookies and fruit and such... makes it like a camping trip with all the fun stuff... pool, hot tub, warm bed, shower... heeheehe

Also, we ALWAYS stop by Shipshewana and shop at the wonderful Amish meat market and the bulk food store (E&S Sales)  I love these stores!  

Monday, January 12, 2009

Man that melts me, homeschool boy, and gifts from Germany!

Have I mentioned that this man proposed after a week, and we were married a week later?!  He is my shiny armor man!  My heart still beats fast when I see him enter a room.  Sweet Love!


This is one thing we adore about homeschooling.  Boys doing history with his kitten in his lap.  Sweet.

So, okay, it is January, and I was blessed with this gift from my mother-in-law.  She is very thoughtful and remembers all of my favorites.  Ritter Sport chocolate, German Cookies, Marzipan Marble Cake, Landjaeger, Gummi Bears, and good coffee.  So much for that January diet, but you know, I couldn't hurt her feelings, right?  I really must enjoy these treats!
I am blessed indeed!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why would this be in January?!!!

I mean, really!  during this Season of Resolution, diets and working out... why would today be 

Go fast... over to Tip Junkie... and look what she is teaching us to make... ooohhhh aaahhhhh, isn't it perfect?  I am tormented right now.  That apple on the counter doesn't look so wonderful.  Shoot, this is the pits!  Your picture is wonderful, I can just feel the chocolate melting in my mouth and the crunch of the caramely-hardened sugar under it!  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


God Bless you on this Blessed Day Indeed!

What is Epiphany?  Information Here.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I just cant believe it!!!! Look at this!!!!

I was looking at crafty sites last night and WOW... look what others have found out! 
Did you know that the #6 clear plastic is shrinky-dink material?
If you are using colored pencils to color the plastic, you must rough up the smooth surface.

I used a heat tool to "shirnk" the plastic, but you can in an oven too.

So sorry about the blur, but you can get an idea of the shrinkage...I used a rubber stamp for this charm.

I made a ring by forming the strip around a glue stick and then placing another charm on top... too easy and cute!

These are some of the items I made in about 5 minutes... and my boys are really having a great time with this new found craft!


1 Thessalonians 4:11 (New International Version)

 11Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands...

Resolutions? Goals?  Hmmm...
