All of the Legal postings for Hallowed Grounds.
We took a road trip this Monday afternoon to Houghton/Hancock, what a great view from one city to the other!
Okay, this is our 9th week open!!! YIPPEE...and the only way I get through most days is with a prayer, and, hmmm, well, and, maybe eerr, jah know, a quad latte' or two!
So with much nagging, oh! I mean encouragement!? I am posting again on my blog. Hallowed Grounds is nice and steady. I am out of bed by 4am....YES! AM...as in morning, as in darkness! LOL and I sort of enjoy it. Eddie is such a great man to wake up to, and he is always by my side getting the coffeehouse open, and well, delivering that first quad of the day! Then he delivers the three dc, and DW is the BEST barista you would ever meet...really people tell her that daily! Christopher worked today in the kitchen and actually made the cinnamon roll dough by himself!