Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My sweet husband and I in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan! I thank God for you Eddie!

All of the Legal postings for Hallowed Grounds.

Hallowed Grounds best selling cookie: Cranberry, White Chocolate, Oatmeal!

Front view of the coffeehouse.

Kid's Favorite: Double Chocolate Chewy

We took a road trip this Monday afternoon to Houghton/Hancock, what a great view from one city to the other!

Okay, this is our 9th week open!!! YIPPEE...and the only way I get through most days is with a prayer, and, hmmm, well, and, maybe eerr, jah know, a quad latte' or two!

So with much nagging, oh! I mean encouragement!? I am posting again on my blog. Hallowed Grounds is nice and steady. I am out of bed by 4am....YES! AM...as in morning, as in darkness! LOL and I sort of enjoy it. Eddie is such a great man to wake up to, and he is always by my side getting the coffeehouse open, and well, delivering that first quad of the day! Then he delivers the three dc, and DW is the BEST barista you would ever meet...really people tell her that daily! Christopher worked today in the kitchen and actually made the cinnamon roll dough by himself!


  1. Great to find your site! If I ever get that way I will definitely be partaking of one of those lattes. :) As a future LCMS Pastor's wife (2nd career)it is nice to find someone on the web who even knows what LCMS is. LOL Many prayers for your new venture. Sounds like it is going great and a lot of fun!


  2. We aren't actually to sem yet as Mark has to finish up his undergrad that he never got finished. We should be heading there next year or the next. We will be in St. Louis. We've always known he was called to be a pastor, I think God was just waiting for the right time for us to be at a place in our life that had us "ripe" and ready. :) This is our first year of homeschooling, and I must say, I wish we would have done this all along! What a blessing it has been. Thanks for stopping by, and any advice and encouragement are always welcomed! I'm signing this one under Mark's name so you can "get to know him" in his bloggy world as well. :) Thank you again for your kind words.


  3. Really cool Shawn! Glad to see you are getting some form of normalcy back in your life! 4 am huh? No thanks! I don't care how good the coffee is!!! LOL! Many wishes for success and happiness!

  4. Hooray! It's great to see what you've been up to. Congratulations to the kids on their new jobs! Ours have been working on grilled cheese and only got one sandwich inside out today. :)
    Thanks for the updates.

  5. Yeah! It was good to hear from you and I love seeing the pics you post. I'm happy to hear a good report on your coffee shop. What fun. . . but also lot's of work! Hey, I think getting up at 4 a.m. would be great. Do you have to start baking as soon as you get to the shop?

    BTW, we have FINALLY sold our house in Ft. Wayne. Whew. "Hi" to you and yours from the Mississippi Holowach's. Keep up the good work.


  6. OH! What a wonderful surprise to see both you and Eddie on here AND the 'kids'!!! Now that you are back on I'll be able to keep up with you. Thought of you all last night with the full moon...first we've seen in about 2 months due to light or clouds...what a wonderful sight! We'll be leaving 'for the outside' late next week probably with about 5-6 days of travel...then down to see kids/grandkids and maybe to NE and CO also. Told Pastor Marty I'd introduce myself when I see them next. I'll take a sugarless (with splenda) vanilla breve, please...oh...and one of those yummy looking cookies...and a cinnamon roll! General delivery, Talkeetna:-)
    God's blessings!!<><
