Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wool Wrapped Soap

Homemade Holiday... I was inspired by Homespun Heart's posts recently and we always love hand making gifts for our Christmas gifts.  Also, I have an abundance of  wool blankets that the quilting ladies have given me to re purpose.  So...This year one of the items we are giving are wool felted exfoliating soaps. 

Here it begins...

We are using Ivory Soap, but 
really wanted to make our own...
 just going with 
the easiest way so far... Wool blanket cut 41/2 inches by 7 inches...

Soak the soap and the strip of wool in hot water and then begin "felting" it with your hands
 until it is part of the bar of soap, pinching seams together as you go and continuing to saturate in the hot water.

Trim the corners as you go...I made two slit marks at the edge and then cut the square off completely before pinching the seams together.

After I worked the edges I placed it in the toe of a stocking and tightened it as much as possible and saturated it again in the hot water... the picture would  not cooperate with me to show you this step, I don't know if it really is necessary.

Dry completely on rack and package in a celophane bag with a nice label, as you can see my dd made a nice teddy to go along with this bar, out of the same blanket, how sweet.


  1. Thank You Deb, I was checking out your blog too... Fellow LCMSer.... btw, after looking at the finished soaps that were curing I thought they looked like ground beef packages...LOL <><

  2. My girls learned felting last summer from a friend. They love it.

    But we've never done any felting with soap inside. That is cool!

  3. Forgot to say-

    Love the bears, too!

  4. I love this idea..butt how do you use it then...just like that? Sorry I have never seen this before and love the idea of it...

  5. DeeDee, yes you use it just the way it is... the soap will come throught the wool, and the wool will eventually become part of the bar completely. These were a huge seller at our church bazaar. Thanks for commenting!
