Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Changes... Patience

I am trying to be patient and stress-free during some changes in our family. I am not usually a stress-filled wife, mommy, person... but this time of my life is full of change. All of the change is totally and completely out of my control (which I am also not usually concerned about) and I am getting stuck in the ho-hum attitude. So I am going to our comforting, caring, constant Father and am happy to begin this new Psalm study with a group of ladies... Changes will be announced as they come to fruition, meanwhile may HE calm my heart and home.


  1. the picture on that book is sooo cool! I might have to get that book myself

  2. I have the book, and have intended to start a group to work through it for some time, thanks for the reminder!

  3. We are getting ready to do the last week in the book here in Centerville--it's been so good to hear about God's comfort and care in the Psalms.

  4. Hey Shawn,

    How's it going? I've been thinking about you and Ed since symposia knowing a few of the things that you've shared. I'd love to hear if you've made an progress in those areas. You can email me if you don't want to use the blog world. We are feeling those issues too with waiting to hear things but also figuring how a few changes of our own. One of them being looking into buying a house and commuting to the church.
    Lisa Emmons
