This is really a confession. You see I have an issue. Food. Creating. Good. Food.
Mostly fatty and rich foods. To bring JOY. What?!? JOY?
Twisted. I know. So I am in a battle to let this go. For the JOY I desire should not come from foods, sugar and fat. This JOY should come from the SWEETNESS only CHRIST JESUS can deliver. Yet I seek out that validation when I deliver such delights and gain the JOY and glory from others enjoying these creations.
Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said,
“Go and enjoy
choice food and sweet drinks,
and send some to those
who have nothing prepared.
This day is holy to our Lord.
Do not grieve,
for the joy of the
is your strength.”
So I "enjoy choice food and sweet drinks" and I love to share these creations, yet the JOY I receive is from the sharing and creating this is what I desire. I should be in desire for the JOY of the LORD for HE is my strength.
I am torn. It is Christmas season. I LOVE baking. I went to culinary school for goodness sake! Yet, I am being called out. Called to a bigger JOY. A higher SWEETNESS. So although my family will not go without culinary delights, I will moderate this year. Christ will be my JOY. Christ will be the SWEET celebration of this season.
Hi Sweet friend,
I could so relate to your post! I have been on a sugar fast for over 80 days now. I take it 40 days at time and pray through the cravings. Then I take a short time off and enjoy the full bounty then start the 40 days again. I have lost sevral inches and 12 pounds! But with Christmas coming up and my heart like yours loves to both taste from and give from the blessings produced from my kitchen through God's provision.
I made a decision to only bake one sweet treat this year. I will pray for you and please pray for me. For this fast is about giving my cravings to God for HIS glory not a diet.
Love you my friend and we pray for your family!
Oh, wow! This sounds like a heart-wrenching struggle!! Or should I say stomach-churning... I feel for you, Shawn! I will be praying you come to peace with this new direction and ENJOY the JOY you will receive from another source - THE Source! :)
This has been running through my head the past few days. Where we should be getting our Joy from. I struggle with it. There has been a lifetime of disappointment for me, as there is for others. I held God responsible for it and hated Him. He has worked with me and brought me to Himself. I am grateful. I keep re-learning, that this world is not our home, we are pilgrims here, don't hold on to tight...we live for Him, not ourselves. The more I see what I believe is prophecy being fulfilled in front of me, I get depressed. There won't be a good life here on earth. All the things that most of use worked for or wanted and been lost in the bad recession. It's like Jesus allowed us to get the "stuff" taken away so that He could have us and get us ready for Him. I believe that is why I have had the difficulties that I have had. To correct me, to change me, to keep me from being consumed by the world and kicking Him out of my life. I have been hobbled and now, I see that it is the best thing a Savior could do to His lamb. The effects will go through eternity. I do feel badly that there are people who will be left behind, whether there is a Rapture or their death precedes the Rapture. I need to look more to Him as my Joy. I need to grow closer to Him, in an intimate friendship and relationship. I don't want to be a foolish virgin. I want to keep my lamp filled, and that little flame burning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! My 14 yo daughter and I made your fondant recipe today and it was so easy and SOOOO yummy!!!
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