Saturday, June 2, 2007


Sooo, the Hallowed Grounds dream is unfolding...and that is why I have been MIA...oh that and a totally awsome vacation in the U.P. with great friends! I already miss them, God is so good to give them to me! Here are some of our "growing pains" at Hallowed Grounds...I just want to bake cookies and pray that this season ends soon...

Scripture in my pocket (see Diann!!!) "My grace is sufficient fo thee for my streinght is made perfect in weakness. " 2 Cor 12:9

Okay, so I have been MIA... here are the reasons! God's Richest blessings to all!


Totallyscrappy said...

It is so exciting to see your coffee shop taking shape!

Alana said...

Oh yes! I cannot wait to come to Michigan one day and sit down for some hot cocoa on one of those swanky couches! But I am a klutz, so I hope they are waterproof!! Hang in there!

Heather said...

Veyr cool ... I enjoy reading your blog :)

Five Little Monkeys said...

Oh, Shawn! This looks wonderful! You have done so much already!
Hope to see you in person soon. We miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! You are livng my dream! Enjoy the journey!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shawn! I know you are totally busy with your coffee shop. . . but we would love to hear an update! And maybe pics!! The last Michelle heard from Danielle it was going well.

Chrysa said...

Wish I were there to partake...and help! It looks awesome!!! Clouds here, but know stars and moon are up there and am thinking of you:-)

Anonymous said...

What a cool place Shawn! Loved seeing the pictures as your dream unfolds.